Ok, so the intention to blog every week didn't work out so well the past few months. What can I say, life happens when you are bussy making plans. Ellie is doing so well. She is now two and has all the perks that go along with being two. I still wouldn't trade her for bus fare. She is still little for her age, but still as cute as a button. We just cut her hair into a little bob. Ellie of course rocks the style. Her vocabulary is expanding by leaps and bounds with one exception.... instead of being able to say mom, she says bob. My name is now bob in her world. It makes me laugh. Of all the things that a child calls their mom, I am bob. We have a lot of fun around here, but we are definitely running out of space in our living room. I cannot wait until we finish the basement this year, then we can move all of Ellie's toys into the family room that we are building downstairs. Huzzah for a clean living room and Ellie will have her own space too. I think that she will like that as well.
Right now her favorte movies are Snow White and The Princess and the Frog. We watch both everyday sometimes more than once. She also loves going to the park to play and we also got to go for our first bike ride yesterday. We bought one of those bike trailors that hook to the back of our bikes. Ellie of course picked out a Disney Princess helmet.
I guess that is all for now. I will hopefully post more soon.